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Evaluate your carbon footprint

carbon print assessment-vineyard

To preserve the environment, but equally to reduce your dependence on energy, the ICV teams offer you a measurement and analysis of your carbon footprint. Armed with a knowledge of your emission of greenhouse gases and their principal origins, you will be able to make relevant strategic choices

How do I measure a carbon footprint ?

The Bilan Carbone® method evaluates the emissions of greenhouse gases from each of your activities and identifies those that create the most pollution. The obejctive: initiate changes with the aim of continued improvement. 
The method consists of 6 steps:

  1. Awareness of the greenhouse gas effect
  2. Definition of the field of study
  3. Collection of facts
  4. Interpretation of results
  5. Establishment of a plan of action aimed at reduction
  6. Application of this plan

The tools of the study, both transparent, clear, and flexible, allow the categorisation of each zone of emission in order of level of their impact. This stage is indispensible to the construction of action plans for reduction of emissions.

The Bilan Carbone® method has already been proven through over 6,000 assessments carried out by ICV consultants.


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