10% de remise dès 200€ d'achat, 15% dès 300€

Feuille de vigne


This irrigation management tool provides early detection of the vine’s water requirements and constraints. It defines a programme (date, dose, triggering, …) for each parcel, based on soil and viticultural data and production targets.

Controlling irrigation

Climate change, rising temperatures and less effective rainfall are all contributing to lower yields and the development of concentrated, drying wines. This water stress can be avoided by using piloting tools to control irrigation in the vineyard.

The innovative, high-performing i-pilote service has a number of objectives:

assessment of irrigation requirements (soil, grass cover, calendar, water volume, irrigation blocks, …), management, prevention of water stress, recommendations according to product objectives.

I-pilote ensures the early detection of the vine’s constraints and water requirements. It defines a programme (date, dose, triggering, etc.) for each parcel, based on soil and viticultural data and production targets. It defines a programme (date, dose, triggering, …) for each parcel, based on soil and viticultural data and production targets.

i-pilote enables profitable and sustainable vineyard management:

– regular yields and fully mature grapes
– wines adapted to markets and styles that can be reproduced
– sustainable management of water resources.

Soleil sur vigne

To find out more

Are you interested in i-pilote services? The ICV viticulture consultants are available to help you.

Contact us


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