10% de remise dès 200€ d'achat, 15% dès 300€

Viticulture Consulting

The ICV Group offers all winegrowers, whether in cooperative or private wineries, a range of viticulture consultancy services. Carried out by specialist consultants, these services are designed to support you according to your needs throughout the year or during certain strategic periods.


Vineyard monitoring

Phytosanitary and agronomic monitoring, vine training and planting.

Objectives: to gain a better understanding of and familiarity with your vineyard, to react appropriately and improve your viticultural practices.

Conseil viticole
Diagnostic viticole


Viticulture Diagnostics

To develop and improve your vineyard operations, discover the ICV Group’s viticultural diagnostics. Experts who accompany you in your projects.


Harvest consulting and expertise

A viticultural expert will help you prepare your harvest: parcel selection, maturity control, berry tasting, advice on the management of inputs.

Grappe de raisin
Vigne avec coccinelle


HEV Certification Support

The ICV consultants have combined their skills in viticulture and in quality and sustainable development management to offer you support in achieving the various HEV levels.
The ICV Group is SCA-accredited (validation of level 1) and supports producers in obtaining the other 2 levels.



Combining technological innovation and viticultural expertise, Oenoview® is the fastest, most accurate way to monitor the quality potential of your vineyards.

Feuille de vigne



Cet outil de pilotage de l’irrigation permet une détection précoce des contraintes et des besoins en eau de la vigne. It defines a programme (date, dose, triggering, …) for each parcel, based on soil and viticultural data and production targets.


GINKOWEB: an online diagnostic solution for agriculture

GinkoWeb is an online IT tool for carrying out farm audits and diagnostics. Its benefits are time-saving and increase in consistency thanks to its multi-reference management and the re-use of responses.

Logo Ginkoweb

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