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Combining technological innovation and viticultural expertise, Oenoview® is the fastest, most accurate way to monitor the quality potential of your vineyards.

A vision from the vine to the wine

The Oenoview precision viticulture service combines technological innovation with viticultural advice. Remote sensing by satellite enables you to quickly obtain accurate, reliable, operational and large-scale mapping of your vineyard.

Carte Oenoview

How does remote sensing work?

By measuring the light reflected by the vine in different wavelengths, it is possible to deduce the physiological state of the vine.
Depending on requirements, several satellites are available for better resolution or recurrence in time :

· Spot satellites (1.5m)
· Sentinel-2 (one image every 5 days)

We thus obtain vegetation index maps of: vigour, water status, parcel heterogeneity, …

Oenoview technology comprises four complementary services:


3 concrete examples of how Oenoview is used

  • Oenoview: a successful bet for Grands Chais de France, with a testimonial from Sébastien Villenave, Head of the Libourne sector (Propriétés Grand Chais de France).
  • Thiols seen from the sky: segmentation of the Sauvignon parcel at Vignobles de Vendéole, with testimonial from Marc Duffo (Technical Manager).
  • Oenoview has been used to segment the wines of the La Vigneronne cooperative, with a testimonial from Gérard Vidal (Director).

Explore more content to discover Oenoview

  • The Oenoview webinar: ‘Mastering your Vineyard’s Quality Potential’

Are you interested in Oenoview's services? The Oenoview experts are here to help you.

What the press says about us

VITISPHERE, juin 2020 : Les vignobles de Vendéole repèrent les thiols depuis le ciel

PAYSAN DU MIDI, août 2019 : La sélection a du bon

LA VIGNE, Mars 2015 : Fertilisation, à chaque cep sa dose d’engrais

LE MONDE, août 2011 : Les vendanges sous l’œil du ciel

LE FIGARO, septembre 2009 : Sciences : les vendanges supervisées par des satellites

LES ECHOS, septembre 2009 : Innovation ; les vignobles s’en remettent au ciel pour prospérer

REVUE DES ŒNOLOGUES DE FRANCE – novembre 2021 : Suivi temporel du statut hydrique et aide à l’irrigation de la vigne

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